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Introduction to Power BI & 5 Must to Have Power BI Tools

In today’s competitive world, we all understand the importance of data analysis to make intelligent business decisions, and by doing so, we can stay ambitious in this highly competitive market. It is an essential component of data analytics, and it’s a process where a large volume of structured and non-structured data can be analysed systematically by using different methods and techniques to discover hidden patterns that are useful for decision-making.

What is Bi

The information age has brought a wide array of innovations and developments. It requires a higher level of skills and efficiency for the decision-making process. Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of practices utilised by companies to store and analyse data to sustain and enhance business performance. It uses tools, applications, and software systems that help in gathering actionable insights from information sources related to business operations. BI is a technology-driven approach that assists you in evaluating information and provides workable details that help corporate executives, business managers, and various other customers to make informed business decisions. Nowadays, business intelligence solutions play a vital role in the area of decision support as well as an analysis by supporting sustainable competitive advantages.

What is Power BI

Power BI helps you transform data from multiple data sources into great-looking and interactive dashboards, reports, and data visualisations. Power BI office 365 offers connectors to multiple software services and access to on-premises data using the on-premises data gateway so that businesses can run and make informed decisions using relevant insights.

Power BI is a business analytics tool suite that delivers insights and connects to hundreds of data sources, simplifies data prep, and drive needed analysis. It also helps make appealing reports and then publish them for your organisation to consume on the web and mobile devices.

Why use Power BI

Microsoft Power BI delivers business analytics solutions that offer secure and reliable connections to your data sources in the cloud. It gives you data expedition using natural language queries and shows your data visually by using dashboard visualisation that is customisable and can be distributed or embedded.

The wide range of pre-built dashboards and reports for specific SaaS solutions make Power BI a top choice for monitoring SaaS performance. With the technology to directly connect data from different applications and analyse it in real-time, these dashboards can answer questions about your business during meetings or board sessions.

Power BI gives you anywhere, anytime access to dashboards and reports to monitor the health of your business. Customise interactive dashboards with the metrics that matter most to specific roles in the organisation, so everyone is informed and empowered to make decisions.

Types Of Power BI tools

Power BI consists of various tools that make it easier for individuals to collect data, analyse data, find insights, and share them. Following are the tools of Power BI:

Power BI Desktop

Power BI Desktop is an application you install on the local computer to connect, transform, and visualise your data. Power BI Desktop helps you empower others with timely critical insights, anytime, anywhere. And the best part is no additional charge.

Power BI service

Power BI service is an online service that provides a single destination for your team to monitor content, share insights, organise projects, and have conversations. The Power BI service is an online Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud-based platform for distributing, collaborating on, and sharing business intelligence content like data models, reports, dashboards, and insights. The Power BI service supports collaboration, administration, and security of organisational BI assets.

Power BI Data Gateway

A Power BI Data Gateway establishes a secure connection between the Power BI service and on-premises data sources. This secure connection provides faster access to data by enabling DirectQuery, live query, and import modes in the Power BI Service. The Power BI Gateway is an on-premises data gateway that allows data refresh in the Power BI service and greater interactivity with live datasets in Power BI Desktop. This gives more control over your data where it is stored and performance and security.

Power BI Report Web Server

Report web server is a place where paginated reports, KPIs, mobile reports, and Power Bl desktop reports can be hosted. It is a self-service tool that allows the customer in charge of reporting to use their own account and modules to work with reports. The customers can change reports themselves and create as many as they need. Each report is synced routinely with your data source to have the most up-to-date information.

Power BI Mobile Apps.

The Power BI mobile app is available for iOS, Android, and Windows phones. The mobile app lets you view a dashboard or report in full-screen mode on your phone. You can access mobile apps using the Workspace App Catalogue that your administrator has set up for you. Once you’ve created and published a dashboard, you can use the Power BI app to access your dashboards from anywhere.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, Power BI offers users more control over their dashboards is highly customisable and personalised, with users able to individualise control panels, interfaces, and other features. Also read: How Your Business Could Benefit From A National Cybersecurity Strategy Kloudify Technologies has 15+ years of cloud experience and looks after your cloud needs, so you can focus on the thing that matters for your business: Growth. We are your friendly, fun digital co-pilots along your journey in the clouds. We offer services such as Technology Consulting, Managed Services, Business Process Optimisation, Cyber Security, Remote Working, Cloud Migration, Data Visualisation & Business Intelligence and Unified Communications & Collaboration. Get a free consultation now by emailing us at